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In Memoriam Rebecca Horn

Stiftung Starke, Berlin
Oktober, November 2024
Löwenpalais, Königsallee 30
14193 Berlin
For her solo show at the Starke Berlin Foundation, Zora Volantes developed new luminous second-skin-sculptures and paintings. Second Skin is an ongoing project based on the concept that paper textures and colors serve as the artist's second skin, from which she builds, among other things, luminous sculptures. Also shown was the performance film Bounty Hunter, which Zora Volantes developed for Art Basel Miami Beach last year

Since 2000, performance and sculpture have increasingly become central to the artist's means of expression. Human in confrontation with his environment, adaptation or provocation. With the skin-sculptures and body paintings shown in this exhibition, among others, Zora Volantes is breaking new ground in her art, with color effects, light and darkness each playing a role.
A large number of the artist's newer works were shown in the three rooms of the Löwenpalais of the Starke Foundation, which include photographs, sculptures, paintings and performances.
Big luminous Wombs, second skin sculptures and paintings

Performance: in Memoriam Rebecca Horn
1. November 2024

Bounty Hunter video and photographs, big luminous Womb, second skin sculptur
To watch the video shown click here

Small luminous Wombs, big luminous Womb, second skin sculptures and photographs

Shown paintings and sculptures.
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